Ashley Warren Studios bio picture
  • Welcome to my blog!

    Hi and welcome to my blog! Glad you could stop by! This is where you can see my most recent sessions and posts about my own life, so look around and make yourself at home!

    I am a photographer in the Birmingham, AL area. My style is a blend of traditional and contemporary. Everyone loves a nice portrait, but it is the less guarded, more intimate images that stir our emotions. So, I try to capture both!

    When I am not shooting, I love to spend time with my family, travel, exercise and continue to learn more about photography. (It's a bit of an obsession!)

    Check out my website by clicking on the "portfolio" link. Also, please to leave me some blog love! I would love to hear what you think! Welcome and come back soon!

Barrett – Birmingham Alabama Child Photographer

If you have followed my work for long, I am sure you have seen this beauty before. I have been photographing her since she was two and every session has been a blast. Mom and dad bring the best outfits and they give me all kinds of freedom with the session. Barrett is just the most fun and spunky little girl and we get along like to peas in a pod. Our sessions are more like play dates than a photo session. 🙂



Miriam - February 17, 2014 - 9:09 pm

Absolutely amazing. Every single year is stunning.

Julianna – Trussville Alabama Teen Photography

And here is the annual apology for neglecting my blog. 🙂 Every fall I get so busy shooting, that its just survival mode, so the blog is the first thing to go! Things are at a slower pace now in Jan, so how about a sunny post during this cold winter! Julianna was a joy to work with. I had so much fun on this shoot!!








The Taylor Ladies – Birmingham Alabama Family Photographer

I had so much fun with these two!! They have such a strong bond and it’s amazing to witness. I think you can probably tell by the images that they like to have lots of fun together. 🙂 So fun!!




Alex – Birmingham Alabama Newborn Photographer

Meet adorable baby Alex! I was so excited when his parents were willing to do an outdoor newborn session! Alabama is SO hot in the summer, that it’s the perfect temps for a newborn baby. Except for the fact that we had a little cold snap (as in 70s, not our normal 80-90s) that day!! Alex did great and we just kept him bundled between shots. He is the cutest thing! I love love love photographing babies in the beauty of nature!


Amelia – Birmingham Alabama child photographer

Hello there blog world! It’s been a while! Hoping to get a few posts up before I am knee deep in the fall rush and I disappear until Dec! I had such a great time at this session! Amelia is a beautiful little fireball! I loved that mom was willing to play too! 🙂 Love these two!


Linda - December 26, 2013 - 1:32 pm

What a little cutie. I love her outfits. You captured her beautifully.

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