Ashley Warren Studios bio picture
  • Welcome to my blog!

    Hi and welcome to my blog! Glad you could stop by! This is where you can see my most recent sessions and posts about my own life, so look around and make yourself at home!

    I am a photographer in the Birmingham, AL area. My style is a blend of traditional and contemporary. Everyone loves a nice portrait, but it is the less guarded, more intimate images that stir our emotions. So, I try to capture both!

    When I am not shooting, I love to spend time with my family, travel, exercise and continue to learn more about photography. (It's a bit of an obsession!)

    Check out my website by clicking on the "portfolio" link. Also, please to leave me some blog love! I would love to hear what you think! Welcome and come back soon!

Please help by voting! You can help find a cure for SMA!

Hey all! I am PLEADING with you to help out a cause I care deeply about. Until the end of this month, Pepsi is hosting a contest for the best new idea in America. I have a friend who runs to help cure this disease. Her niece is affected by it and scientists are very close to the cure. But it takes money to fund the research. StopSMA was approved to compete for the 250,000 prize! We are currently in 8th place and desperately need more votes! You can vote every day until voting ends. Please do not vote for any other 250K competitors, but you are welcome to cast votes for the other monetary award values. Below is a little information about SMA:

SMA is a deadly and relatively common genetic disease and is the leading genetic cause of death in infants and toddlers. It is the absence/defect in the Survival Motor Neuron Gene (SMN1) that causes Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The SMN1 gene codes for survival of motor neuron (SMN) protein, and this protein is critical to the survival and health of motor neurons, nerve cells in our spinal cord that our brain uses to control our muscles. Without sufficient SMN protein, motor neurons shrink and die. As the motor neuron network breaks down, the ability of the brain to control muscles diminishes and with less control and use, muscles weaken and waste away. The symptoms of this disease get worse over the lifespan of the person with SMA.

SMA Fast Facts:

* #1 genetic killer of young children
* 1 in 40 people unknowingly carry the gene
* 1 in 6,000 babies are born with SMA
* there is usually no previous family history
* it is a pan-ethnic disease, it does not discriminate based on race or gender
* it has been selected as the disease closest to a treatment of nearly 600 neurological disorders
* researcher believe that a treatment will be found within the next 5 YEARS with the PROPER RESOURCES

YOU CAN VOTE BY CLICKING BELOW! Thank you so much!!!

Sweet Evie that has SMA

Nick Weeks - March 4, 2010 - 9:11 pm

Why not vote? Help out these poor kids. All it takes is a click… I just did.

Mr RJ – Selma Alabama Baby Photographer

Mr RJ is one of my baby plan kiddos. He is just too cute for words! This guys has rocked every session so far and this one was no exception! I absolutely love this age! Not only did he just go with the flow during the session, he also starting to crawl for the first time!!! I asked his mom when they first got to the session if he was crawling yet. (8.5 months old, so you know it’s around the corner.) She told me, “No, that he was just on all fours rocking.” WELL, towards the end of the session, we would place him on the rug and soon he would be off it. We kinda looked at each other like, “um, did he?…” Yep, he was making ground! It’s days like this that make believe I have the best job in the world!

Scrunchy face!!!

taylor haynie - March 2, 2010 - 10:55 am

He is an absolute doll!!! I LOVE the studio…I cannot wait to get to shoot in it! Great session! =)

Carrie Anne Willingham - March 4, 2010 - 10:17 pm

Wow, that baby is absolutely precious! Great job!

CONTEST TIME!!! – Birmingham Alabama Photographer


Let’s jazz things up a bit!
I am holding a contest for the best/most creative/interesting NEW LOCATION within 30 miles of the Birmingham area. I know there are hidden gems out there!

To enter, please email me at with your location suggestion and a few digital images of it as well. I will pick what I feel would be the best photographically and creatively.

The winner will receive a FREE session at said location and a FREE 11×14!

The rules: All entries must be in by March 15th. You must make sure that we are allowed access to your location and permission to photograph.

So get scouting! 🙂

SNOW DAY! – Birmingham Alabama Photographer

We don’t get snow very often in Alabama. Usually, one time a year and it’s just a dusting. This year we got a great snow and the kids had a blast playing in it! It was all I could do to get them to come it and warm up! (hot chocolate did the trick.) Mom even had fun pelting her offspring with snowballs and sledding down the hill. (well more like scooting on a storage tub lid, but it was fun none-the-less.) Happy Winter all, now bring on spring! 🙂

There was much debate on Facebook about whether this was real or not! I PROMISE THIS IS A REAL SNOWFLAKE!!! 🙂 It looks a little over sharp on the blog, sorry!

here is the original just to prove it! It's on a container of sorbet. That was the coldest think I could think of for it to land on so it wouldn't melt right away!

Ashley - March 3, 2010 - 7:25 pm

Is that a Talenti Sorbet Roman Raspberry lid??? 🙂 If so…that stuff is AMAZING!!!

Your pictures are great!!

LaTonya and D’Andre – Birmingham Alabama Wedding Photographer

Love these guys! This couple really knows how to laugh and I always have such fun with them! I had the best time shooting their wedding at Ross Bridge Resort this past Saturday. Of course it was FREEZING! It was even snowing a bit when I showed up to start shooting! LaTonya was a good sport and even let us take her out into the frigid weather. That was probably the shortest photo session on record! 🙂 This couple is so loved, that the wedding ceremony became standing room only in no time! A big thanks to Ouida Jones-Johnson for coordinating, Norton’s Florist for the beautiful decor, Just a Few Cats (Ruben Studdard’s original band) and the uber talented Taylor Haynie for shooting with me!

Oh, and I had to include one of the funniest bouquet tosses EVER! I think it was only fitting that it got a little “physical” seeing as how the Super Bowl was the next day. No fighting, but the “catcher” did loose her footing a bit and went down. NOT without the bouquet though! 🙂 Hilarious!

Ice, Ice Baby. (ok, that was totally dorky.)

Prince Charming with some Jimmy Choo's. Forget glass slippers...

how cute is this guy?

Sorority Sisters!

Now THAT's how to catch a bouquet!

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