I am having some website issues right now. The blog is acting funky while stuff is being transferred to a new webhost and my wedding site is totally down. I have contacted the folks responsible for transferring my site and have not heard back yet. I truly appreciate your patience and understanding while I work through this problem. Hopefully it will be resolved soon. I know my family will be happy, cause I’m a bit of a cranky pants right now… thank you all!
Well, I had to switch web hosting companies and it looks like in the process, I lost some of my most recent posts. So I am going to try and get the missing ones back up. Sorry guys! Here is the sweet little Freeman family:
Serious cuteness ahead! Miss D is one of my baby plan kiddos and she has changed so much from her last session! Just a doll baby! We had lots of fun we her and she just let us put her in all kinds of outfits and set ups. My favorite has to be the inner tube shot. She couldn’t sit up on her own, but the green tube did just the trick. Such a happy girl! Thanks for a great session, Miss D!
LaTonya and D’Andre are planning their big day at Ross Bridge Resort and Spa next year and I am soooo excited. We decided to do the e-session at Ross Bridge as well. They even brought their baby, Ralphie. He is so cute! Oh, and when you are trying to get a 70 plus pound English Bulldog’s attention, be prepared for full frontal attack of slobbery kisses! We had a great time wandering around the grounds. I also HAD to get a shot of D’Andre’s Chuck Taylor’s. From one fan to another, keep rockin the Chuck’s, D’Andre! (I hope they reappear at some time on the big day! 🙂