Ashley Warren Studios bio picture
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    Hi and welcome to my blog! Glad you could stop by! This is where you can see my most recent sessions and posts about my own life, so look around and make yourself at home!

    I am a photographer in the Birmingham, AL area. My style is a blend of traditional and contemporary. Everyone loves a nice portrait, but it is the less guarded, more intimate images that stir our emotions. So, I try to capture both!

    When I am not shooting, I love to spend time with my family, travel, exercise and continue to learn more about photography. (It's a bit of an obsession!)

    Check out my website by clicking on the "portfolio" link. Also, please to leave me some blog love! I would love to hear what you think! Welcome and come back soon!

John and Kaysie – Birmingham Alabama Photographer

This couple is so stinkin cute! They were cracking each other up the whole time! So laid back and so fun! Had a great time photographing their beautiful day! I had photographed her brother and sister-in-law’s wedding last May, and her sister-in-law’s brother and wife are baby plan clients! (confused yet?) Love being the “official” family photographer. 😉 John and Kaysie got married at Mathews Manor in Springville, a gorgeous venue. Wishing them all the best and a life full of laughter!

Rebecca White - May 9, 2011 - 1:05 pm

Ashley you are an amazing wedding photographer!

Sherry - May 9, 2011 - 1:44 pm


I don’t think anyone {ANYONE} could appreciate how great you are unless they followed your tail around and second (or fifth) shot a wedding with you. These are beautiful!

Gorgeous photographs. Love the color and the angles. Adorable couple, too!

Jade – Birmingham Alabama teen photographer

Jade is one cool girl! Not only is she beautiful, but she is also a drag racer. That has got to be so much fun! I can totally identify with her. I have always been a tomboy that loves to be girlie too. Check out her gorgeous shoot! She could be a model when she’s not racing cars! 🙂

Graffiti Family Shoot – Birmingham Alabama Family Photographer

I ran a contest last year asking people to suggest a new location to shoot in. I have some favorite places I like to shoot, but I am always looking for something new and fresh. The S family had my favorite suggestion with an abandoned skate park that was full of great vivid graffiti! It took us a while to actually get the shoot done with mother nature working against us, but it was worth the wait!! Loved this family and this shoot!!

Kelli Taylor/Daniel Taylor Photography - April 30, 2011 - 4:32 pm

The colors in this are incredible. And what cool parents, bypassing Olan Mills for something with so much great personality. Love it.

Vintage Shoot Fun – Birmingham Alabama Photographer

I got to play last month on a collaborative shoot and loved it!! Tavia is my hair stylist and is phenomenal! She is always up for experimenting on our shoots. This time we went for a vintage/ Normal Rockwell inspired shoot. Enjoy our trip back in time. 🙂

Kim Watkins - April 20, 2011 - 9:15 pm

LOVE THIS! This is one of my favorite shoots I have ever seen!

Amanda - April 24, 2011 - 12:22 pm

How fun is that? I love every one!

Kelli Taylor/Daniel Taylor Photography - April 30, 2011 - 4:30 pm

This shoot is sooo cool. It’s very Mad Men. Beautiful!

David - May 11, 2011 - 8:09 am

Those are some SWEEEEET family pics – wow!

[…] This vintage session with Alabama photographer, Ashley Warren Studios, really needs no description.  The styling, the location, the polka dot dress.  They’re all perfect.  Timeless and beautiful! […]

[…] So honored to be featured on The Lens Love’s site! You MUST check them out. It’s a great place for inspiration for portrait photographers! They chose my vintage family session to feature. Here is my original post. […]

Thresa Lord - June 10, 2011 - 9:11 am

Love this! Amazing photography and props. The family is beautiful. Reminds me I have a sleeveless vintage white with red polka dot dress with red belt in a size 6 if anyone needs it for a shoot!

marie holmes - July 8, 2011 - 9:12 am

love this!

You did an awesome job! I love how the dad is taking a pic with a vintage camera 🙂 you really thought about every detail.

Linda - December 26, 2013 - 1:30 pm

I am loving this vintage family photo shoot! What a fantastic idea.

Baby Ava – Birmingham Alabama Newborn photographer

Meet sweet Ava!! Isn’t she the cutest! I can’t get enough of those chunky cheeks! Ava is a special little model because her momma is friend and fellow photog Amanda Pair. Let me just say that I was more than nervous about doing photos for a talented photog! I was so honored when she asked me though!! It was fun to shoot in a clients home. Most of my newborn shoots are in studio just for ease of using a variety of props and backgrounds. Shooting at a client’s home offers a change of pace and location that was refreshing! Enjoy your dose of chubby cheeked yumminess! Congrats Amanda and Allen!!!

Amy Carson - March 31, 2011 - 11:39 pm

Awww… Ava is so adorable!! She has some super cute parents though so I dont think we could have expected anything less than that!! Great shots Ashley!

Amanda - April 1, 2011 - 8:24 am

Ah, nervous-shmervous 🙂 You did a great job, and we LOVE all of the photos! I can hardly wait to get some big ol’ images of that sweet face up on the wall. Thank you so much!

Allen - April 1, 2011 - 9:16 am

Thank you so much Ashley for the pics! Amanda was not kidding when she said you were the “Newborn Baby Master.” Geat work- We love them all!

Melissa - April 1, 2011 - 11:29 am

You captured my sweet cousins perfectly! I love that precious baby and her parents so much! Fantastic work.

April - April 1, 2011 - 11:51 am

BEAUTIFUL!! I know Amanda and Allen will cherish these forever:)

Ashley - April 1, 2011 - 2:50 pm

Ava is soooo beautiful!!! You did a great job capturing the love of this new little family:)

Wynter - April 1, 2011 - 4:37 pm

These are beautiful Ashley! I know Amanda and Allen will cherish these forever! 🙂

Jessica - April 2, 2011 - 1:40 pm

These are so special. Ashley you are amazing! And Amanda, you have a beautiful family!!!

[…] the always wonderful Amanda Pair for her first wedding back after having her beautiful baby girl, Ava.  The wedding was held at the beautiful Cameron Oaks Farm and the weather was perfect for a […]

[…] I still cannot believe that Miss Ava is a year! It feels like just yesterday I was taking her newborn photos! She is just too cute! We wanted to make sure she was toddling for her session and she came […]

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